Saturday, July 30, 2005

Their Greatest Fear

Has anyone else noticed how the far left reacts whenever someone mentions putting an issue to a public vote? I mean ANY issue. For a group that claims to be for "the people", they sure don't seem to have much of a desire to let the people have a say. In fact, the far left is actually- visibly- afraid of the will of the people. It is very much like a cross to a vampire. They shrink from it and insist, time after time, that controversial issues be settled in the courts.

Nowhere is this more obvious than with Roe v. Wade. This Supreme Court ruling is the ultimate in judicial legislation, and also the ultimate slap in the face to the voting public. In one fell swoop, the court spat upon the will of millions of voters in several states who had previously made it illegal to murder an unborn child. Somewhere in the Constitution, those judges found something about privacy rights that meant it was okay to kill unborn children with impunity- whenever and wherever you wanted to.

People in America expect that their votes will count and that the majority will rule... you know, representative democracy, and all. The problem for the far left is that whenever the people do vote, it almost always goes against the extreme liberal agenda. Faced with this truth, they have worked for years to ensconce judges at various levels of the court, in order to rule by judicial fiat. Americans are being systematically cheated out of their constitutional rights every time an activist judge decides to "help" us for our own good.

Prior to Roe v. Wade, abortion was a crime in most states- unless there was credible medical evidence that the mother's life was in danger. Those laws were a part of an America where morals and families mattered. An America where words and deeds mattered... and where there were actually consequences for bad behavior. Coming out of the sixties, with all the "counter-culture" and borderline anarchy, America was struggling to remain a good and decent country.

Then, along came the "if it feels good, do it" mentality- and the "rules are for losers" attitude. Abortion, which had once been opposed by women's rights groups, was the new cause d'jour- and the rallying cries for a generation of "revolutionary" minded Americans became "abortion on demand" and "reproductive rights". The biggest one, though, was certainly the "woman's right to choose".

Forget the fact that the abortion minded woman has already lost her right to choose by becoming pregnant when she did not choose to. Remember, there are no longer consequences to such deplorable behavior. Got pregnant and don't want the baby? No problem! Thanks to the Supreme Court of the United States of America, you can just have that annoying baby killed and vaccuumed out of your womb. It is, after all, your constitutionally guaranteed right to do it. What's that? The unborn baby's rights? Um... well, he has none. You see, the Supreme Court- in order to make killing the little people legal- had to rule that the founding fathers of our country did not intend unborn children to have the same rights as real people... you know, the rights to LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Time after time, the courts have overruled election results and laws passed by legislatures on a variety of issues- the vast majority of them being moderate to Conservative leaning. For example, Congress and several states have passed laws against the unspeakably evil practice of partial birth abortion. The liberal activist courts' response to this expression of the will of the people? To rule those laws unconstitutional. They seem to ignore the fact that the single greatest aspect to our Constitution is the fact that we live in a representative democracy where the people are in charge.

Our system is in disarray- with the judiciary deciding virtually everything we do and don't do. There is absolutely no doubt that our founding fathers wanted nothing even remotely like that to ever happen. In fact, they are firmly on record against it- and designed the government to assure it would not happen. The separation of powers clause was supposed to ensure that one branch of government did not take over. You know, checks and balances. The problem is that most of our elected representatives are not worth the powder to blow them to hell... and they won't do what needs to be done.

So... if you were to ask a liberal extremist what his or her worst fear is, you might hear "George W. Bush", or "Karl Rove", or even the "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy". The truth, though, is that their greatest fear is the voice of the people of the United States of America.


Blogger Michael said...

Superb post,

I agree totally. I think one reason the far left doesn't like putting things to a public vote is because their bizarre fanatical schemes would more often than not be rejected by the voters.

Even on the rare occassions the far left doesn put things to the vote, it typically ignores the people anyway. The far left EU ignored its peoples vote against the EU constitution.

I shall bookmark this blog.

Feel free to check mine out sometime



14/11/05 13:06  

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