Friday, October 28, 2005

Dear Mr. President

Hooray! We are treated to another masterpiece by Victor Davis Hanson. This time, Professon Hanson is giving President Bush some solid gold advice.

[[ It is also time to step up lecturing both the American people and the Iraqis on exactly what we are doing in the Sunni Triangle. We have been sleepwalking through the greatest revolutionary movement in the history of the Middle East, as the U.S. military is quietly empowering the once-despised Kurds and Shiites — and along with them women and the other formerly dispossessed of Iraq. In short, the U.S. Marine Corps has done more for global freedom and social justice in two years than has every U.N. peacekeeping mission since the inception of that now-corrupt organization. ]]

And this perfect line:

[[ We should remind the world that our 2,000th fatality did not end our commitment to freedom and justice, but reminded us just how much we owe our dead so that their ultimate sacrifice was not in vain. ]]

Crossing The Rubicon

I remain in awe of Professor Hanson's huge brain. Please read the whole column.


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