Thursday, June 22, 2006

War, Leadership, Losers, And Other Nouns

Okay, it's been a while since we have had a lengthy posting here... so, let's take a look at the life and/or death struggle our nation is currently involved in. We'll use three current columns to illustrate the very best and the very worst in us.

We'll begin with a trip down memory lane- back to World War II and Winston Churchill; who was, in my opinion, THE prototype for a wartime leader. I honestly believe that President Bush has learned from Churchill... the one area Mr. Bush has definitely remained solid in has been the war. It is obvious that this man is the exact type of leader our country needed after 9-11.

Anyway, here is a very nice reminder of history:

[[ Churchill’s first wartime speech to the British people as prime minister was shocking for its sobriety: “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat.” He later warned the House of Commons: “Death and sorrow will be the companions of our journey, hardship our garment, constancy and valor our only shield.” And, while England rejoiced over the escape of thousands of British troops from a German onslaught at Dunkirk, Churchill injected his usual dose of realism: “Wars are not won by evacuations.” ]]

Even as some of our leaders stand firm, though, we have the other side. This column that reminds us of the greatness of Churchill also reminds us of how the left is trying very hard to lose it all for us. Please read the whole thing:

Churchillian Courage

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Now, this next column represents a true Conservative attitude. The author believes in the very best of America... that our country will be what it always has been... that we will, indeed, rise to the occasion. For the record, I feel the same way.

Awakening A Sleeping Giant

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Are we still a "sleeping giant?" Or, have we become a suicidal giant? Finally, for more juxtapositioning, we'll finish with another column reminding us of just who and what our enemy is... and how our own left wing is helping them.

Barbarians (And Liberals)


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