Thursday, August 17, 2006

Outrageously Disgusting

Okay, this has to stop. Please pass this one on to anyone and everyone... we have to do something about this. I just can't believe it could happen...

Better take the blood pressure med before reading this.

Military War Returnees Are Favorite Targets Of TSA

Told ya...



Anonymous Anonymous said...

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17/8/06 15:10  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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17/8/06 15:11  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I propose a MASSIVE letter-writing, e-mail, and phone-calling campaign to the TSA! Flood them with complaints! This SH*T has to stop, and stop YESTERDAY!!!
We, as a fair and just society, cannot allow this atricity to continue; how the hell are our soldiers a threat...especially the WOUNDED ONES?! There's no way they could pose a threat...their not physically capable!
Has the world finally gone insane; does anyone have a LOGICAL THOUGHT in their heads anymore?
Damned disgraceful! The TSA doesn't appear to know who the ENEMY really males (and females) ages 14-45...oops! That's "profiling", sorry...Oh, wait...NO I'M NOT!!! If we truely want America to be safe, stop worrying about hurting feelings and profile the BAD GUYS! Not our Armed Sevrices personnel! What a bunch of jack-a**es!
Don't know about you folks, but I'm going to write an angry e-mail to the TSA, AND our President...I don't believe he'd stand for this crap!

17/8/06 19:35  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

now Maverick,
don't get your undies all in a bunch.
the reason is that even when leaving Viet Nam we had to go through some rigorous searches of our bags because guys like to bring home M26A1 hand grenades and 66mm M72 light anti-tank assault weapons (LAAW) and such.
just don't take it personally.

they maybe going a bit too far,
but remember the Muslim assassin in the rear area just before the launch of the war?
he killed some of our officers by tossing frags into their living spaces.

he was an active duty soldier too.

18/8/06 12:44  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is not TSA's job to police the military for contraband. This procedure is disgusting and must stop.

18/8/06 23:56  

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