Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Apparently, All Is NOT Fair In War......

Here is one giant reason that our current war is taking so long. Furthermore, there is no doubt in my military mind that if we stopped crap like this, we would have even less casualties than the very low number we do have.

Consider this:

[[ The U.S. military said Wednesday it is looking into the unauthorized release of a photo purportedly taken by an American drone aircraft showing scores of Taliban militants at a funeral in Afghanistan.

NBC-TV claimed U.S. Army officers wanted to attack the ceremony with missiles carried by the Predator drone, but were prevented under rules of battlefield engagement that bar attacks on cemeteries.

The focus of this idiotic AP story is how the video's release was "unauthorized," but that is not the real story here.

Here's my headline for this story:

190 Taliban Fighters Identified And Accessible, But Rules Prevent Attack

Disgusting... straight up disgusting.

How many American troops will be killed by any one of those terrorists at some point in the future? We have no way of knowing. I will say this much, though: it is completely undeniable that if we had taken the evil bastards out, the answer would be ZERO American troops killed by them!!

HERE is a much better article on it.



Blogger warhorse said...

Gah. That's appalling. And bizarre. In fairness, though, they didn't really miss all that much this time. Predator drones only carry a pair of Hellfire antitank missiles at most, not all that useful against people in the open. They probably wouldn't have gotten more than a dozen or two bad guys. With current exchange rates running close to a hundred to one in our favour, odds are they won't make a difference anyway ... :-/

13/9/06 18:12  
Blogger kmg said...

Thanks for the optimistic interjection, Warhorse... I appreciate it.

The underlying truth there, though, is not so pleasant.

14/9/06 05:02  
Blogger warhorse said...

"The underlying truth there, though, is not so pleasant."

Can't argue that one. :-( On the other hand, it *is* a counterinsurgency, which means the opinion of the average Iraqi is ultimately the crucial factor, and explosively exhuming Grandfather Ahmed's remains is unlikely to be helpful in that regard, whatever the immediate tactical benefits. Take heart that the article did say that the ROE are constantly being evaluated ...

14/9/06 15:06  

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