Tuesday, September 12, 2006

History Is Negotiable??

I guess it is, judging by the way the liberals are responding to the ABC 9/11 docu-drama.

Honestly, I strongly believe that this is just another manifestation of their greatest fear: the American People. Time and time again, lliberals develop hives when any of their insane agendas are put to a vote... or when there is a risk of the people actually seeing what's behind their curtain.

Besides infuriating, it is also very educational to witness the tantrum they are throwing about this mini-series. To anyone paying attention, they are in total and complete opposition to their own war-cries of "First Ammendment" rights. They are, in fact, trying very hard to act as Big Brother.

Ministry Of Truth

Can we also discuss that it is extortionate and scandalous of a former President to behave thusly when confronted with someone trying to expose the mistakes made on his watch? Can we include talks about the "Marxist soul" that pervades many of these lefties? Yes... let's do.

Vicious, Unbridled Censorship

Finally, I must point out that- once and for all- "tolerance" and "free speech" are now officially anethema to the liberal movement in America. Oh, I know they always have been... but the lefties have long hidden behind those concepts and pretended that they cared about them. Not much chance of that anymore.


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