Monday, September 18, 2006

Unhinged DFL

Here are the words of the man who wrote "The Path To 9/11."

[[ My sin was to write a screenplay accurately depicting Bill Clinton's record on terrorism.

I am neither an activist, politician or partisan, nor an ideologue of any stripe. What I am is a writer who takes his job very seriously, as do most of my colleagues: Also, one who recently took on the most distressing and important story it will ever fall to me to tell. I considered it a privilege when asked to write the script for "The Path to 9/11." I felt duty-bound from the outset to focus on a single goal--to represent our recent pre-9/11 history as the evidence revealed it to be. The American people deserve to know that history: They have paid for it in blood. Like all Americans, I wish it were not so. I wish there were no terrorists. I wish there had been no 9/11. I wish we could squabble among ourselves in assured security. But wishes avail nothing.

He is not a conservative. He is just a writer... and he has been targeted by the left for daring to speak the truth.

"Path To 9/11" Writer Received Death Threats

Wonderful people, really, those "tolerant" liberals... just like their muslim brethren in many respects.



Blogger warhorse said...

Heh ... can't you just see the signs at the demonstration?

"Behead those who insult Bubba!"

18/9/06 09:59  

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