Thursday, November 23, 2006



O give thanks to the LORD, for He is good;
For His loving kindness is everlasting.

-1 Chronicles 16:34

I have learned that it feels absolutely superb to be grateful. I pity ingrateful people... I really do. Knowing that someone did something for you... and appreciating it... that is what being alive is all about.

I am grateful to many, many people... but mostly to God. This day, I will keep reminding myself of that all day long.

Happy Thanksgiving to all... especially the moonbats- I truly want them to learn to be thankful to God for our country and everything. (Yes, I know, I know... but I won't be a cynic today).



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I could go to great lengths about how i got to where i am.


I made it out of Khe Sahn in one piece on the 5th of December 1967.

I always remind myself
to say;

"Praise the LORD, HIS mercy endureth forever"

I am grateful to HIM for all that i have,
and it is far more than i need.
Thank You, LORD!

I wish you all the best;
and nothing less.

23/11/06 14:16  

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