Tuesday, August 30, 2005

John Bolton: A Great American And A True Pistol

This guy hit the ground running at the United Nothing, and has not stopped yet. As you might expect, the old media is continuing its jihad against him. Here's a nice beginning to an editorial in the la la times, titled "Bolton's Mischief" (now, isn't that nice?):

[[ AFTER A YEAR AND A HALF of studies and negotiations, the United Nations recently came up with a draft proposal calling for extensive internal reforms and world action against injustice, poverty and environmental catastrophe. Last week, soon after being appointed U.N. ambassador by President Bush, John Bolton may have sabotaged the entire effort.

Now that's getting things done.

Actually, it IS getting things done- namely, stopping the corruption that has run rampant for so long now. He is doing EXACTLY what our UN ambassador is supposed to do- he is looking out for America's best interests... which almost always winds up being the world's best interests, too.

[[ Bolton has introduced hundreds of amendments to the 62-page draft, which is supposed to be signed by the leaders of 175 nations during the U.N.'s 60th anniversary summit starting Sept. 14. Other nations, notably Russia, also have objections to the draft proposal and have submitted their own amendments, but they haven't caused the same turmoil.

Bolton's amendments focus on cutting references to international efforts the U.S. has opposed, such as the International Criminal Court, while strengthening sections on spreading democracy, freeing markets and fighting terrorism.

The rest goes on to say the usual stuff: how America wants global poverty to increase... how America is "lagging" behind in global aid (yeah... it actually says that!)... etc.

Go read it, if you like. ( LINK)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bolton is a breath of fresh air in a body where the expulsions are generally of another kind.

It's about time we had someone in there who can kick butt and take names.

Pomoze Bog.
Tsar Lazar

31/8/05 11:26  

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