Monday, August 29, 2005

Hatred, Plain And Simple...

...oh, and anti-semitism, too.

Is it just me, or are the far left and the psycho nazi-fringe melding together...?

[[ Vandals burned swastikas and obscenities into the lawn of a Jewish family, splattering windows with eggs and fouling the front porch of their home.

Two swastikas were spray-painted in the road in front of Ginger Ragans' two-story home Sunday and a third was etched onto her lawn, along with the word "Fascist" and an obscenity scrawled in the grass. Her trees were draped with toilet paper and someone had urinated and defecated on the porch.
]] ( LINK to comforting story)

I'm confused... by scrawling the word "fascist", were the pertetrators signing their work...? ...or, were they calling the Jews "fascists"...? Either way, it's wacky.

No word yet if Cindy Sheehan has an alibi.



Blogger kmg said...

The Jews have become a convenient scapegoat for people requiring such. History is replete with examples of this behavior... and, although the Jews have suffered mightily, they are not the only ones to be persecuted thusly.

Christians are coming under a fair amount of this behavior nowadays. The aclu will continue until we are as vilified worldwide as are the Jews.

29/8/05 14:49  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Yes, it already happens all too frequently. The ACLU is not the power behind it all, but they are certainly willing mouthpieces.

Pomoze Bog.
Tsar Lazar

29/8/05 15:43  
Blogger kmg said...

The aclu HAS no power, in and of itself. They rely upon the technicality... and the loophole... and the timid restraint of powers that be. Those are their only powers...

29/8/05 16:44  

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