Sunday, August 28, 2005

Cindy Sheehan - Truths Behind The Propaganda

Well, now that the real Americans have arrived in Crawford to challenge DFL celebrity and noted nutjob Cindy Sheehan's insane "protest"; we are starting to see more and more cracks in the impressive armor that has been built around her by the seditionist groups and the complicit old media.

As predicted here and elsewhere, more media outlets are being forced to reexamine the coverage of this debacle... and the result is that we are seeing small pieces of truth starting to leak out.

From The Rocky Mountain News:

[[ Cindy Sheehan claims the media are "a propaganda tool for the government." A New York Post editorial (Aug. 16) argued that Sheehan's statement was self-evidently false, given the overwhelming and almost exclusively positive media attention paid to her in the last several weeks. But in a broader sense, Sheehan has a point: Almost all the news stories and columns in Denver dailies, like the vast majority of the rest of the mainstream media, have failed to inform their readers about what Sheehan really thinks.

For example, on Aug. 16, Sheehan held a media conference call during which she declared "The person who killed my son, I have no animosity for that person at all." Yet her statement was reported only in the National Review Online weblog. In an interview with Mark Knoller of CBS News, she explained that the foreigners who have to come to Iraq to battle the U.S. military are "freedom fighters." (Video at the anti-war Web site dc.indymedia. org/usermedia/video/2/cindyon Conversely, she described last January's vote in Iraq as a "sham election," in her Tuesday entry on her weblog on Michael Moore's Web site (http:// index.php?id=465).

Sheehan has explained that the real global terrorist problem is the United States. Speaking at San Francisco State University on April 27, she announced, "The biggest terrorist in the world is George W. Bush." Rebuking people (such as the Post editors who created the "Portraits of Valor" series) who claim that serving in the military is patriotic, she stated: "I'm going all over this country telling moms: 'This country is not worth dying for.' " She denounced the idea that soldiers should "defend this morally repugnant system we have."

(Transcript at htm.) ]] (LINK)

Of course, I put together a nice compilation of crazy Cindy's rantings a while back. (LINK to Cindy Sheehan's Greatest Hits)

Additionally, the wonderful group "American Gold Star Mothers" is loudly disavowing any connection to nutty old Cindy:

[[ (Cindy Sheehan) is not a member of the official organization, and the American Gold Star Mothers wants the public to know that.

The Web site of American Gold Star Mothers states: “Cindy Sheehan is currently in the news. She and her organization have no connection whatever with American Gold Star Mothers Inc. We ... do not engage in political activities. We do support our troops. After all, they are our children.”
]] (LINK)

With all of this, you would think that the media would just call it a wrap and move on to the next Bush-bashing opportunity... after all ,this one has surely been mined out, right? Well... I'm not going to count on it. I think they'll stay on this teat until someone drags them away, kicking and screaming. Come to think of it... that is exactly what is starting to happen!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

She won't shut up until the media stops and they won't stop until she shuts up. Simple solution, we just need to make her shut up or the media to stop!

28/8/05 18:43  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I won't hold my breath. But the hurricane might shut them up for a while. God bless those people.

Maybe mother moonbat can shut up for those innocent victims?

28/8/05 19:08  
Blogger kmg said...

SAJ, that is a great website... I've known about them for a long time- very cool!

28/8/05 19:59  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish Cindy had taken her Maniacal Mystery Tour to New Orleans this weekend.

Pomoze Bog.
Tsar Lazar

28/8/05 22:20  
Blogger kmg said...

Oh, that was evil, Tsar...! Good... but evil!

29/8/05 06:14  

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