Thursday, August 25, 2005

Unmitigated Nerve

I don't have the energy to do anything more than point to this one... it makes my head hurt WAY too much.

Now that Israel has left Gaza, the palestinians are complaining that there will be no health care and no jobs. No... I'm not making it up.

I would say something like "I can't believe they would do that" or "No way!"... but the sad truth is that none of us should be surprised at this.

Go and read it, if you want a headache like mine.

(Link to Little Green Footballs post)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ow. My head hurts now, too.

25/8/05 18:21  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, this report reminds me of the well-documented intellectual ties between Islamic terrorism and the American Left. Just like the Left, the Tangos got everything they wanted and they still bitch. Like my grandfather used to say, "They'd complain if they were hung with a new rope."

Too bad in the case of the Tangos we can't put his observation to the test. Hangmen's nooses are the best use of hemp I can think of...

Pomoze Bog.
Tsar Lazar

25/8/05 19:35  
Blogger kmg said...

Yes! Let's send them Howard Dean! He likes them already... and they'll learn to like him, too, I'm sure. He might have to tone down the primal screams and learn to ululate...

Priceless thought!

25/8/05 20:43  
Blogger Barbara said...

And, I was just getting over a sinus headache! Remember the little boy who called wolf one time too many? Nobody listened. I think we need to turn a deaf ear to this mess! They wanted the territory; Israel got out. Now let the Palestinians help their own!

26/8/05 07:21  
Blogger kmg said...

Nice logic, Barbara... too bad those particular people don't think that way. They have much more in common with our native liberals... gimmee-gimmee-gimmee!!!

26/8/05 07:25  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"They wanted the territory; Israel got out. Now let the Palestinians help their own!"

Here, here! :)

Of course, I am sure the UN will do its best to lobby for massive infusions of "humanitarian aid." Just what we need...building infrastructure in what most intelligence people estimate is about to become Tango Central.

Notice that the Palestinians emphasize things like "children" and "hospitals." I wonder how much "humanitarian aid" money has gone into RPGs and Kalashnikovs over the years...

(sigh)Another Islamic half-empty glass... ;)

Pomoze Bog.
Tsar Lazar

26/8/05 07:29  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Maybe we could lend/lease Hillary to them, for say, 100 years or so."

Sheesh, Husker, that might be a breach of the Geneva Convention or something... :p

Pomoze Bog.
Tsar Lazar

26/8/05 07:31  
Blogger kmg said...

Yes, by all means, let's throw more piles of money at those monsters...

Humanitarian aid, indeed...

BTW, sending hillary would definitely be a violation of the Geneva Conventions... and several other conventions, as well!

26/8/05 08:57  

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