Thursday, September 01, 2005

Reality Check

Watching the wall-to-wall coverage of this disaster... and the response of both sides of the political spectrum... I've come to realize that we are heading for some kind of civil war (bad news for the left, I'm afraid... we do have all the guns on our side).

If something like the damage from Hurricane Katrina can't bring our nation together... if all some people can do is use it for political purposes... then we are in MAJOR trouble.

It honestly and truly does hurt me... makes my head hurt. In fact, I can't stand the thought that there are Americans running around out there that hate this country that much.

Anyway, I need space from this. I've let myself get so caught up in it all that I've nearly gone off my rocker. My family always heals my spirit and makes me feel better about life in general... so I'm going to use what little "free" time I have to be with them... and just BE.

If anyone cares, I'm sure I'll return eventually.

Please give to one of the charities for the hurricane relief. It's vital.


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