Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Fighting Back Against Anti-Christian Bigotry

From SAJ we get this outstanding article.

It will be interesting to see how the liberal courts respond now that Christians are starting to push back.

[[ The University of California system is being sued for alleged viewpoint and content discrimination against Christian school instruction and textbooks.

The Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI), which represents more than 800 schools worldwide, has filed a federal lawsuit challenging a University of California policy that bars students taught from a conservative Christian viewpoint from being admitted to schools in the UC system. The suit accuses the university system of violating the free-speech rights of Christian students.

Wendell Bird, an attorney for ACSI, says UC admissions officials have told Christian schools that several courses taught from a Christian perspective -- subjects such as English, science, history, and social studies -- no longer qualify for credit. ]] (LINK to story)

I really think we need to enlist the aid of the aclu on this one. It's right up their alley, isn't it? I mean, what with the 1st Amendment and all... they should be breaking down the door to help the oppressed Christian students here... right?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I really think we need to enlist the aid of the aclu on this one."

Yeah, and why don't you wait for Hillary to join the NRA, as well? I'm sure it'll happen any minute now.

And while your doing that, I'll go grab myself a Newcastle...

31/8/05 20:53  
Blogger kmg said...

Actually, Hillary just might do that... at the rate she is going trying to convince people that she's not a raving liberal...

Mmmmmm... Newcastle... Sweet, dark goodness...

31/8/05 20:58  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic, but where the hell is the Gov. of Lousiana? She's got bangers and thugs using stolen AK's to take pot shots at cops, and she STILL hasn't declared a state of emergency and martial law.

If it were me, I'd have SWAT teams with Barret .50s on the rooftops of the skyscrapers with orders to deal with looters "with extreme prejudice."

Pomoze Bog.
Tsar Lazar

31/8/05 20:58  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah how dare the California colleges want incoming students to meet their standards which include History (and it's existance for more than 6,000 years) and Science to include only Science and not be taught alongside things like intelligent design, which is faith, not Science.

Next thing you know they'll be asking incoming students to be proficient in English, and basic math.

1/9/05 01:33  
Blogger kmg said...


"... Next thing you know they'll be asking incoming students to be proficient in English, and basic math."

Actually, "they" are not going to be asking any such thing. Don't you know that it's highly discriminatory to ask someone from another land to speak English? It is also very discriminatory to expect someone from an oppressed upbringing to have any math skills.

Also, you do realize that it takes as much "faith" to believe that the universe just sort of "Banged" itself into existence as it does to believe that Someone "Banged" it into existence...? Both beliefs require faith because neither can be proven empirically.

Reality bites, eh?

1/9/05 09:26  
Blogger kmg said...

Don't confuse the issue with fact, SAJ. Just FEEL your way to the right answers...

1/9/05 10:23  

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