Wednesday, August 31, 2005

What? The People Noticed Us??

[[ Powerful liberal advocacy groups such as are taking a less active role in Cindy Sheehan's anti-war activities in the wake of criticism that they may have muddied her message. ]]

"Pay no attention to those groups behind the curtain! I am the Great And Powerful Cindy! Notice only me!"



Anonymous Anonymous said...

This article is an obvious red-herring.

Take, for instance, the claim that, "the protesters will no longer receive strategic and political advice from Fenton Communications, a large, left-wing public-relations firm. That role reverts to Mintwood, a small operation that helped Mrs. Sheehan early on."

So, it makes a difference whether the PR firm is big or small? I'm waiting to see them roll the credits for her makeup, who the "grip" is, etc. I mean, we've already seen behind the curtain, so what does it matter if the Wizard pretends to back off?

Sheehan, Inc. is such a crock, and I've been getting progressively more annoyed by the media's bootlick coverage of it.

P.J. O'Rourke called the US Congress a "parliament of whores." He was wrong...that's the MSM.

Pomoze Bog.
Tsar Lazar

31/8/05 08:43  
Blogger kmg said...

Tsar, my annoyance levels are reaching critical... my therapy has been to post a lot on this and thereby commiserate with all of you... small comfort, but better than none.

They know that they can continue to fool people if they can keep the total whacko's in the shadows... even though it is too late for most of us who have been paying attention. Unfortunately, joe and jo-anne sixpack have jobs and lives and limited attention spans- and sometimes only respond to big shiny things.

31/8/05 09:18  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, but the glory of Joe and Joanne is that they also have a reasonable amount of common sense and a hefty dose of Americanism (remember Nixon's "Silent Majority").

Joe Sixpack, when seeing Screamin' Sheehan on the boob tube, probably burps loudly, mutters "What an a..hole," and then throws his empty Bud can at the screen.

I'd do the same, except that Guinness bottles are a little hard on cathode-ray tubes...

Pomoze Bog.
Tsar Lazar

31/8/05 09:30  
Blogger kmg said...

"Politics is their religion... and abortion is their sacrament"

True words from Rush Limbaugh...

You are right on the money, Husker... they do NOTHING without consulting their religion.

31/8/05 17:29  

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