Monday, October 31, 2005

How's This For A Survey?

Our beloved old media has no trouble at all in showcasing the slightest dip in the poll numbers of Conservatives... but what about their own falling stature? Well, they find a way to see the silver lining, of course! Here's a great piece from AIM.

[[ The one-paragraph story appeared on page 1 D in USA Today and the headline was "Gallup Survey: Trust in media is growing." But it should have said: "Trust in media is 20 points behind 1976 levels." That's what the survey showed.

Isn't it interesting how the media will publicize President Bush's falling approval ratings but will not emphasize their own?

The "growing" trust in the media consisted of confidence in the media rising from 44 percent last year to 50 percent in the latest survey. But it was 54 percent in 2003, 68 percent in 1972, and 72 percent in 1976. On the other hand, 49 percent have not very much or no confidence at all in the media.

Media Spins Own Image

At least they're trying to keep a positive attitude about it, right?


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