Thursday, November 10, 2005

Bad News For Moonbatty America Haters

Hmmm... this one isn't going to play well in hollywood and berkely.

[[ Middle-class youths, not the poor, are providing the bulk of wartime recruits to the armed forces, according to a new study by a conservative think tank.

The Heritage Foundation research paper found that a higher percentage of middle-class and upper-middle-class families have been providing enlistees for the war on Islamic militants since the September 11 attacks on the United States.

Researchers matched the ZIP codes of recruits over the past five years with federal government estimates of household incomes in those neighborhoods. Contrary to complaints from some liberal lawmakers and pundits, the data show that the poor are not shouldering the bulk of the military's need for new soldiers, airmen, sailors and Marines.

Middle Class Filling Up Military, Study Says

You know, if regular Americans ever start really paying attention to things, the liberals are going to be in big trouble.

I'm just saying...



Anonymous Anonymous said...

1st time here and enjoyed what I read. Good to know another Marine's looking out for America. S/fi and Happy 230th. Saw your address on Rob's site.Dom

10/11/05 09:22  

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