Thursday, March 30, 2006

My Sentiments Exactly

All I can say about this column is that I wish I had written it. Actually, I think I have... a piece here and a piece there, over time. In fact, many of us have had these thoughts and expressed these ideas... so it's good to see them spun together in a nice compact package that makes us want to cheer.

I especially like the opening paragraph- it brings into focus the reality that the liberals are actually getting away with calling things "bad" right now.

[[ So now the Democrats’ theme is “dangerous incompetence.” This is the soaring vision they offer the American people, as the nation records the 53rd month of growth since the end of the last recession in November 2001; as the S&P 500 is up 60 percent to 1300 from 800 at the start of 2003; as home ownership is reaching new highs; as reports come in that venture capitalists are throwing money at Silicon Valley startups again; and as President Bush’s riverboat gamble in the Middle East still hasn’t collapsed as predicted. ]]

Competence vs. Manliness

I only wish it had more on how complicit the media has been in this hiding of the truth... we need to raise the dialogue on that one, big time!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pomoze Bog.

Unfortunately, as the example of Gov Schwarznegger (sic?) shows, even the most Manly Man can be effectively neutered by a woman. As his recent initiatives demonstrate, the Samson of Sacramento has indeed had his hair trimmed by his egregiously liberal wife, Maria Shriver. Give thanks that Dubyah's wife has more sense and better values.

Tsar, out.

30/3/06 19:32  

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