Friday, March 24, 2006

This Is Why They Lose Elections...

...and also why they are seen as weaklings.

The reason we won WW-I and WW-II is precisely because we were willing to call something what it was- EVIL- and to attack it with overwhelming righteous force... knowing all along that we were doing the RIGHT thing. That is what good people do when they find true evil... they push with all their might to eradicate it, lest it overtake them and their families.

Today's liberals absolutely, positively cannot fathom such altruistic notions. It is beyond the scope of their advanced minds.

Madeleine Albright Says "Good Vs. Evil" Is Wrong Approach

Yes, I see it now... the truth is much more nuanced than simple concepts like Right and Wrong... Good and Evil... Up and Down. Far better to dig down and see why we would perceive someone as "evil" or "bad," when they are most likely just misunderstood. It's all about politics, you see... "power politics," as Albright puts it.

You know... I really think these people should be given another chance to be in power... don't you?

(Editor's note: The above statement was extreme sarcasm. Should those people ever actually regain power, the staff of this site will be seeking shelter in the nearest mountain hideaway.)


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