Friday, March 17, 2006

Tsar Will Like This One

Why does this never happen to me??

Woman Gets Beer From Her Kitchen Faucet



Anonymous Anonymous said...


Sheesh, these folks probably thought the Judgement and Kingdom were coming. :)

Actually, Gunny, I stick with tea, now (the Chinese kind, not the hippy "tea"). I grew up with two alcoholics for parents, and the brauskis were starting to bite me in the backside too, so I went dry. I haven't regretted it one bit---I got out early. When you grow up with that, it tends to give you some insights.... :/

Tsar, out.

18/3/06 05:58  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, saj.

Sometimes I have to be hit on the head with a very large hammer before I get it, but eventually I do. When I start to do something stupid, I can just picture God saying (like the comic-book character),"It's clobberin' time!" :) I'm just thankful that He has never stopped.

Pomoze bog, indeed.

Tsar, out.

21/3/06 07:05  

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