Monday, March 13, 2006

Now Hear This!

The following is a MUST read- it is very good and very hard-hitting (the truth often is). Please pass it around to any and all... and let's get this issue out in the open so people can actually see it for what it is.

The implicit "we support the troops" thing has grown tiresome... especially from those who clearly do NOT support our uniformed people.

[[ The most telling intellectual progress about Vietnam made on campus for almost 40 years has been in revisionism. “We opposed the war, but supported the troops,” they tell us now. Oh, really? Then I suppose the taunts of “baby killer,” “murderer,” and “pigs” were all an exercise in intellectual protest. And the paper bags of dog crap tossed over fences at wounded servicemen lying outside on stretchers at Travis Air Force in California were, like the borrowed medals John Kerry tossed over the White House fence, simply “an expression of discontent.” Whatever, their “support” was too subtle, to “nuanced” for this returning GI to perceive.

Liberals hated soldiers then and still do. At the Clintons’ first inaugural, newly hired staffers sneered at the Air Force fighter jets flying overhead until one suddenly said, “Hey, wait a minute. Those are ours now!” Their view of the military has always been an “us versus them” paradigm. No less now than at the height of the Vietnam days when crowds chanted “Ho, Ho, Ho Chi Minh, the NLF is going to win!” and waved Viet Cong flags at the troops.


Whenever liberals dislike or distrust anything they label it as stupid. Hence Ronald Reagan was a buffoon, Bush a moron, and today’s soldiers are called ignorant, incompetent, and incapable of finding employment anywhere other than in a military establishment that will recruit anything with a pulse as long as it will kill
{Some of us know that this isn't true- ed.}. It is the ultimate in sophomoric snobbery from a bunch of moral and physical cowards who are content to slop at the trough of freedom that is filled by the blood and sweat of patriots they despise.

Wow... that last sentence is going up on my wall.

Please read the whole thing... and share it.

Trashing The Troops


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