Monday, July 24, 2006

Peace Does Not Come...

...through weakness.

It is astounding that so many people are actually trying to blame Israel for this war. How much do they expect Israel to take from these monsters? When is enough just plain enough? When can Israel respond and destroy the plague of terrorism that threatens their everyday existence? When the U.N. says so? When Howard Dean says so?

No. They have given... they have waited... they have talked... they have played all the games and jumped through all the hoops... and still, the rockets came- still, the vicious thugs kidnapped and murdered.

Here is Michael Reagan with a nice column on the subject:

[[ We were right all along, and that gives us the right to say “we told you so.”

Nobody wanted to listen when former Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu and a lot of American conservatives warned that you cannot negotiate with terrorists such as Arafat, Hezbollah, and Hamas, or their sponsors in Syria and Iran. We were accused of being warmongers and told that the future of Israel lay not in defending itself, but in making concession after concession to an enemy sworn to demolish the Jewish state and drive its people into the sea.

Goaded by the peace-at-any-price crowd who can never recognize evil when it stares them in the face (because they don’t recognize that evil exists), Israel attempted to mollify the anti-Israel United Nations and the hand-wringing leftists here and abroad by playing nice with their sworn enemies.

Israel withdrew from Gaza, driving their own people – who had settled there with Israel’s approval and encouragement – out of their homes and land. In return for this magnanimous gesture, the terrorists showered missiles on Israeli territory almost daily.

Undaunted by this display of the real and vicious nature of the enemy, Israeli’s government pushed on with plans to evacuate the West Bank, and hand it over to what purports to be a Palestinian state aborning.

The response: more missiles raining down on innocent Israeli citizens and more threats to destroy Israel.

Please read the whole thing HERE.

Once you've digested that one, here is another great piece that lays out the truth of the matter:

The Dangerous Fantasy Of Peaceful Arab Intent

Let's all get educated on this so that we can stop idiots from spouting lies whenever we meet them.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Israeli kids are signing bombs and the press is screwing it up again.

24/7/06 12:26  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any person who believes in their heart that Israel playing nice will do any good, is either in complete denial, doesn't know jack about the history of Jewish/Islamic relations, or knows the facts, but hate the Jewish people SO much that they just ignore the reality of it all. It isn't a simple matter of one religion vs. another, it's LITERALLY a blood-fued...THEY ARE DISTANT RELATIVES! Just read the bible...Issac and Ishmail where brothers! The only way this will end (as things are right now) is if one literally "wipes-out" the other. It's not a real pleasent thought, but after centuries of on-again-and-off-again warfare, they don't know how not to fight one-another...

27/7/06 14:40  
Blogger warhorse said...

Actually, I'm not sure that's true, maverick. Israel seems to be getting along reasonably well with Egypt and Jordan.

27/7/06 15:42  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You do have a point, warhorse. The Egyptian and Jordanian governments are officially friendly to Israel. BUT, the citizens of those countries aren't neccessarily in agreement with their leaders. Zarqaui was Jordanian, and Zawahari is Egyptian. May only be two examples, but I think you can see where I'm going with it...:-)

27/7/06 21:11  
Blogger kmg said...

The key concept here seems to be "civilization." Until the world of islam actually embraces the idea of being "civilized," there will be no end to the "blood fueds."


28/7/06 05:42  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

30/7/06 20:02  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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15/8/06 08:13  

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