Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Man, It's Hot... I Know: Let's Jump!

Well, it's about time. Someone has finally figured out how to end global warming... and the solution doesn't involve us giving up our cars and trucks.

In fact... it doesn't require us to give up anything at all. We can still be fat, lazy Americans... but we have to do one thing... we have to jump.

Just once, though. At precisely 11:39:13 GMT on 20 July. That's it... just jump. Oh, and the jump has to be done by 600,000,000 people... simultaneously.

No, I'm not making it up! Here, see for yourself:

Jump To Prevent Global Warming

I wonder if this is sanctioned by al-gore...?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

my comment went to the wrong comment section.

"stupid stuff" should be here.

18/7/06 10:56  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it just me, or do some people have WAY too much time in their hands?
Global Warming is a MYTH! Both the Earth and Sun go through cycles that can be directly correlated to any, and all weather changes. In 10-20 years they're going to be screaming: "The world is freezing! It's the new Ice Age! It's all our fault!", blah, blah, blah!
Damn hippies/tree-huggers need to stop smoking pot, and get jobs! They have smoked themselves stupid (they call it "dope" for a reason)!

18/7/06 12:00  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are so right!

18/7/06 14:16  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.

10/8/06 20:20  

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