Sunday, August 27, 2006

Thank God...

...not allah.

Fox Journalists Freed

More here.

The terrorists had them "convert" to islam at gunpoint. Somewhere in their sick world, they will gain points for that. The "arab street" will believe it... and another chapter of "islam defeating the West" will be written.

Is it just me, or are these idiots like little children? "Say you believe in my pagan god or I'll chop off your head."

Also, it appears that Centanni developed a strong case of Stockholm Syndrome. Maybe after a few weeks in deprogramming, he'll realize that if they really were "beautiful and kind hearted people," then maybe they wouldn't have kidnapped him and had him hog-tied face down in a dark garage.

Also good to know that Centanni still has the "highest respect" for islam. You know, the same islam that incited the terrorists to snatch him.




Anonymous Anonymous said...

he is never going to be the same man.
along with STOCKHOLM SYNDROME he will be suffering from:

27/8/06 10:19  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Pagen god", eh? Don't know much about Islam, do you? Same god, different prophet, moron.

27/8/06 14:35  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Pagen god", eh? Don't know much about Islam, do you? Same god, different prophet, moron.

27/8/06 14:40  
Blogger kmg said...

Same God?? Really...?

Don't know much about moon-gods, do you?

Different prophet?? As in: Jesus Christ and mohommad?

The former is a prophet and savior; the latter is not... the former instructs his people to live in peace; the latter instructs his people to kill in his name.

One God & Savior... One Lord Jesus Christ... not at all the "same god" as the one who calls for murder and mayhem.

Don't know much about anything, do you, "foreign observer"? Well, actually, you do know a lot about calling people with whom you disagree names.

When do the threats start, by the way? That will show that you are, indeed, keenly in tune with islam.

27/8/06 16:22  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. Do none of you remember Cassie Bernall? She was given a similar choice at Columbine but did she cave? No way! Cassie died but one death (and now lives with Jesus), but these two cowards will die a thousand deaths.

27/8/06 18:07  
Blogger Sirkowski said...

When you thank God, you're thanking Allah too, it's the god of Abraham, wether you're Jewish, Christian or Muslim.

If you don't like Allah, and you shouldn't, then you shouldn't thank God either.

Be consistant silly rabbit, Trix are for kids.

28/8/06 00:28  
Blogger Sirkowski said...

Oh, and by the way, not all Christians believe in the Trinity. Even Jesus mentions that he's just a man.

28/8/06 00:31  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon: The story about Cassie is an urban legend. You should try reading your own links.

I've noticed that when people believe in gods, it makes them act all funny. Paganism is a mater of perspective.

I'm really really glad those guys are alive and free. Even if they do work for Fox. Can't believe some of you are turning on them. Maybe it's because they didn't look 'em in the eye and spit tobacco juice on 'em before swaggering away.

28/8/06 02:03  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You seem a little hostile, saj. Actually, I was addressing the gentleman 'anonymous' behind you. I'm sure you intended no harm to the reporters.

I think we'd probably agree on a lot. We both agree that Islam is a made-up religion. But I'm willing to take it farther and extend that to all religions.

28/8/06 05:09  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah...some of you really need to stop getting your history of islam from christian fundamentalists. The whole "moon-god" thing is pushed by christian fundamentalists because they find the idea of worshipping the same god as muslims abhorrent. It's just not true... the Jewish and Muslim faith derive from the sons of Abraham. Muslims never said "OK, today we're going to stop worshiping god and start worshipping moon-god".

And Jesus is recognized as a prophet my muslims...they just don't think he was THE one. If you actually worship Jesus and not God (or do you pray to both? if you did that would violate commandment #1), then I suppose, yes, its a different god. But you would have to abandon the original god for that? Or did he morph into jesus one day and stay that way? Or are they one and the same (trinity style?).

See the problem? Not even Christians can agree how to worship.

Of course, deifying a 2000 year-old magic carpenter seems as insane as any other religion to me, so I guess I just don't get it.

28/8/06 05:55  
Blogger kmg said...

Yeah, I guess you don't get it.

The bottom line here is that, whether or not you choose to believe in any religion- you can't argue that islam is dividing and destroying the world right now.

This "religion" is spewing hatred and violence all over the globe... and from its "holy books" to its Friday "sermons," death to Jews and infidels is preached.

Make fun of Christianity, if you must... but you will find no such evil coming from our churches- or from our Gospel. The fact that we Christians are not now threatening to chop off your head for insulting our religion should tell you something.

If islam wants to be taken seriously as a true religion, then its "moderate" members must find a way to reform the seventh century mindset that is keeping a billion people in the dark ages.

Oh, and for the record, Anonymous one: praying to and worshiping Jesus Christ is no violation of the first Commandment- because Jesus Christ is God, as is the Holy Spirit. If this concept is not easily absorbed by your mind, then I suggest you spend months or even years contemplating the true nature of God, as most Christians do. Then, you will understand the truth.

The fact that it can't be easily understood by your modern mind does not render it untrue... it only speaks volumes of your character.

28/8/06 07:31  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that kind of killing is a self defense type of killing.
everyone has the right of self defense.

some of you must not have taken your medications this morning.
it just proves that even the unsupervised mentally ill can get on a computer and boot it and launch a browser and mess with other people on the internet that AL GORE INVENTED.

28/8/06 10:48  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"that kind of killing is a self defense type of killing.
everyone has the right of self defense."

Luke 6:27-29: But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you, Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you. And unto him that smiteth thee on the [one] cheek offer also the other; and him that taketh away thy clokeforbid not [to take thy] coat also.

OK, so who doesn't know their own religion? Does this sound like our foreign policy to you, so-called Christians?

28/8/06 11:18  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

same old mentally ill chatter.

anyone can quote the bible.

do you understand how Jesus behaved in the temple?
using a rope to scourge the bad guys?

was that turning another cheek?

you don't know jack.

28/8/06 11:53  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Seems I got under your skin a little.

As for calling you a moron, I stand by my words, as you evidently knows little of the history of Islam. You can continue to spout Crusader-era anti-Islamic propaganda (Moon god who orders murder and mayhem) or you can educate yourself on what Muslims actually believe. A good place to start is Reza Aslan's 'No god but God; The Origins, Evolution and Future of Islam' (Please don't be put off by the word 'evolution' in the title). You might be interested that Aslan agrees with you on one point: there is a Islamic reformation coming, when the vast majority of Muslims rise up against the few fanatics who currently pervert the faith for their own ends.

I don't hold out much hope for you, however. From your posts you are plainly blinded by anger and hate. Have fun when you meet Peter at the gate, he may have a surprise for you.

28/8/06 12:20  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look, HEC3, you're the one who wanted to get into a semantics arguement: please show me one quote in the New Testament - you know, the "Christian" part of the Bible (the "word of God" according to Christians) where self-defense is given the thumbs up?

Just because YOU cherry-pick which portions of YOUR OWN RELIGION you choose to believe/practice, that doesn't make ME mentally ill. Neither does pointing out, BY THE TENETS OF YOUR OWN RELIGION, you're going to Hell!

That being said, shoe on the other foot time: Given that you've impugned my sanity for calling you to the carpet about what your holy book says, how dare anyone on this comment board say one damn thing about Islam without also being called crazy!

28/8/06 12:40  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea, saj, I've heard of the "Just War Doctrine". A load of BS, if you ask me. Once again, cherry-picking in the extreme. IMHO, if you're a Christian, maybe you should follow the teachings of Christ?

Although you do illustrate a good point: maybe there are portions of holy books (say, like the Koran) that mainstream churches/mosques have said, "We don't think that should be part of our doctrine". Like eating shellfish. Or killing the infidels.

BTW, I think there are 2 anons posting concurrently. The last 3, including this one, are mine...

28/8/06 14:06  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


28/8/06 16:46  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

28/8/06 16:46  
Blogger kmg said...

Yes, foreign observer, you did get "under my skin" a bit. Much the same way a tick or some random infection does.

The fact that you continue to use phrases like "few fanatics" shows that you are completely oblivious to what is taking place all over the world.

One needn't study history at all to see what is happening now. One has only to look at the widespread death and destruction being visited upon mankind by the great "religion of peace" that you so strongly apologize for.

Sell that rotten kool-aid somewhere else, amigo... the "crackers" here ain't buying it.

Oh, and thanks for insinuating that my eternal soul will be in trouble because I am against islamic murderers. That will definitely keep me up at night.

28/8/06 17:23  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

he gave away his identity by calling us "cracker morons";
he's a follower of the
Louis Farakan.

what a man to follow!

did you get the I.P NUMBER,GUNNY?

i bet it's not from an external or non-conus source.

28/8/06 17:52  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The hate being spewed by you so-called Christians makes my skin crawl. Good luck with the World War you seem so keen for. I'm out of here.

28/8/06 19:37  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the beginning,GOD,created the heavens and the earth.

Then he said,

Then HE created all the animals that crawled or walked on the earth, and the ones in the sea, and the ones that flew in the air and the ones that crawled around under the earth too.

HE made all the animals that HE made parade past the original man named ADAM,and ADAM named all the animals, GOD gave him dominion over all of them,
and amongst all the animals HE did not find a suitable companion for ADAM.

So, HE put ADAM to sleep.

And HE took out one of ADAMS ribs and made a wife for him,
because He made man in HIS own image and likeness and that means that the man was not a solitary creature.

HE gave the man,ADAM,the rules to live by in the GARDEN OF EDEN,

He did not give the laws or rules to live by to ADAMS wife.
when ADAMS wife broke the rules and convinced her husband to eat from the "fruit of the tree"
of the ""knowledge of "GOOD and EVIL""",
ADAMS eyes were opened and he saw that he was naked and he was ashamed of what he had done by eating of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of
"GOOD and EVIL."

Even though GOD is ALL KNOWING,
He called out to ADAM because He knew what it was that ADAM had done.
and HE knew that ADAM was hiding in shame.

He said"ADAM,where are you?"
ADAM answered"here i am LORD."

The LORD asked ADAM why he was hiding, even though HE already knew why ADAM was hiding.

ADAM said he was naked.

The LORD asked him what he had done,
and how he knew he was naked.
the LORD said,

Of course GOD knew that ADAM had eaten from the tree of the knowledge of GOOD and EVIL.

Now at that point GOD did something spectacular!

HE instituted the BLOOD COVENANT in the GARDEN OF EDEN,
HE killed two animals and used the skins of the two animals to cover the nakedness of ADAM and his wife EVE.

Then HE held the man,ADAM, accountable for his actions and made him leave the garden of Eden and go out and work and eat by the sweat of his brow from then on.

What's interesting about all of this is that at the beginning of this post I mentioned that name GOD,

that word,
is translated from HEBREW
and it is a plural proper noun,

meaning a GOD with more than one personality,
the HEBREWS or JEWS know,
and the SPIRIT of GOD.

If the bible is correct when it says that no man has seen the FATHER, because otherwise even the memory of the person who saw the FATHER would be removed from existence, then it would have to be JESUS WHO WAS THE
CO-CREATOR and walked in the garden of Eden,
and HE was the one to kill the two animals and sacrifice them to cover the sins of ADAM and his wife EVE.

JESUS our SAVIOR instituted the BLOOD COVENANT in the GARDEN of EDEN.

the descendants of ADAM populated the earth and later one of them became the FATHER OF ISRAEL, his name is ABRAHAM,
the father of ISAAC and ISHMAEL.


and ISHMAEL became the one who would always be a thorn in the side of ISRAEL.

who later followed Muhammad and became Muslims?

IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHO JESUS IS and you read this and want to know,

Paul and Silas were in a ROMAN prison preaching to the other prisoners,
one other person was there as a captive audience,
the Roman guard.
an earthquake hit the town and put out all the lights in the prison
and opened all the doors to the jail cells
and the Roman guard cried out,
because it was a law in Rome,
you lost a prisoner,
the payment was your own life.
The Roman guard was about to fall on his own sword to commit suicide and Paul and Silas called out to him to not do it because all the prisoners were present.
And the Roman guard called for new torches to light the prison and saw that all the prisoners were there.
at that point he asked Paul and Silas

"Sirs,what must i do to be saved?"
Paul and Silas answered hm and said,
"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ,
and you will be saved,
you and your household."

if you want to be saved,
you and your household,
then believe on
the Lord Jesus Christ,
you will be saved,
you and your household.

Jesus didn't change my personality,

HE changed my character.

He covered me with HIS OWN BLOOD,

And no one can condemn me any more.

Do you want to know a new life as a spirit man that you are?

Ask Jesus to forgive you for all of your sins,
HE will remove the SIN
and the weight of all of your sins will be borne by HIM,

You will never have to worry about those old sins ever again.

The record of them has been removed.
not just erased, but the record has been completely destroyed so no one can ever hold them against you in the future.

If the enemy of man, the devil,
ever accuses you of an old transgression,
GOD WILL say to him

My life changed forever when I sat on
the water front in SAN DIEGO,CA.
in 1979 in front of the SAILING SHIP THE STAR OF INDIA,across from the twin towers of the Holiday Inn.
and I prayed,

Now send me this Comforter that you talk about in this book."

A powerful peace fell on me like i have never experienced before.
and my life has never been the same.

Even the direction of my life changed.

I hope that you will find the courage to ask for

The Spirit gives life,
the flesh profits nothing.
These words I have spoken unto you,
they are Spirit,
they are life.

28/8/06 20:03  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HEC3 would do well in a fascist regime...

28/8/06 20:09  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i knew you would be back.
GOD has a grip on you,
and he wanted to make you read about the salvation of JESUS and how he can remove all the guilt that is killing you.

you are so guilty that you want to commit suicide.
and he doesn't want that to happen.
he wants to give you life and he wants you to have it abundantly.

28/8/06 20:39  
Blogger kmg said...

Yeah, sure, anonymous... fascists are always talking about Jesus Christ and the forgivness of sins.

It is always amusing to me that Christianity equals "fascism" to some liberals... amusing and very sad.

29/8/06 04:35  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Little kids may say things like "My way or I chop off your head", but little kids won't carry out the threat. Comparing the real threat of death to childrens games is like comparing Ann Coulter to a sane journalist; it just doesn't fit as a good analogy.

29/8/06 04:55  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


29/8/06 04:58  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ann Coulter is not a journalist and she has never claimed to be one. She gets paid to speak her opinions and she does that very, very well.

29/8/06 08:35  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"they will gain points for that"

will americans "gain points" for trying to convert the region to democracy at gunpoint?

isn't any conversion achieved by the threat of death doomed to failure? ie: iraq.

29/8/06 12:31  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm taking a course on the middle ages right now and have been reading accounts of this same sort of behavior except the scenario was Christians forcing Jews to convert or face immediate death. And this was in the 9th, 10th century! These Islamist fascists really are stuck in the dark ages, their behavior mirrors that of one of the worst periods in human history. Pretty creepy.

29/8/06 14:50  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am very thankful the two journalists were freed. However, I must inform you that Muslims believe in the same God that Christians and Jews do. In fact, they count the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible as God's word, a pre-cursor to the Qur'an. In Islam, Jesus is an important prophet who will return on Judgement day along with other important figures. So, Muslims do not believe in a "pagan God" as you claim. When it is established that I am a Christian, I am treated with a good deal more respect and am referred to as "sister".

29/8/06 23:20  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think that you are fortunate to be called "sister" by them.

in some neighborhoods i think it would be different.

30/8/06 00:42  

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