Thursday, September 14, 2006

Double "Ouch" For The DFL!

Here are two stories that contain news that is very, very good for our country. You know what that means... if it's good for America, then it's bad for the moonbats.

Treasury: Federal Deficit Down 14.1 Percent

Hmmm... I wonder if those tax cuts are to blame again?

...and here we get even better news:

Air America To Declare Bankruptcy...

I chose the above link precisely because it is from a far left site. Here's the rest of their headline:

"...But Progressive Radio Remains Strong"

Yep. That's how it looks to us, too. Liberal radio is so strong, in fact, that they had to declare bankruptcy just to make it fair for us right-wingers!

Too funny... but not as funny as some of the comments that follow the story. Here's my favorite so far (feel free to find your own favorites):

[[ "I dread the silence. I listen to AA a lot, and depend on all those voices. I hope something can be salvaged. Fingers crossed. :-( " --Comment by bumblebums ]]

Yes, bumblebums... we all dread the silence... for, in that silence, we start to hear... those other voices again!! Isn't that right, bumblebums??

HERE is more on the story- including how they might be stiffing al franken again.


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