Tuesday, September 26, 2006

He's Slick- I'll Give Him That

Here is a nice roundup of coverage on the bill clinton meltdown. I'll exerpt a bit from each- but that doesn't free you from your obligation to go and read each piece.

From William Kristol:

[[ LET'S DO A THOUGHT experiment: Perhaps Bill Clinton, an experienced and sophisticated politician, knew what he was doing when he made big news by "losing his temper" in his interview with Chris Wallace. Perhaps Clinton's aides knew what they were doing when they publicized the interview by providing their own transcript to a left-wing website as soon as possible Friday evening, and then pre-spun reporters late Friday and Saturday. Maybe it was just damage control. Or maybe Clinton did what he wanted to do when he indignantly defended himself, blasted the Bush administration, and attacked Fox News. What could Clinton have been seeking to accomplish? Three things. ]]

From John Burtis (who is becoming one of my favorites):

[[ Funny how the pundits are worrying about the damage that this sad, pathetic former commander-in-chief can cause his wife because he forgot to protect us all for a few years as he trotted the golf links, chased the golden tortoise, groveled with a nubile youth, visited Barbra in Santa Monica, and failed to make a decision about Mr. bin-Laden standing in the gun sights.

And we all watched the string of terror attacks mount up as he called it all a law enforcement problem while Mr. bin-Laden called it all war, and mailed his declaration to Mr. Clinton, who hemmed and hawed and ordered pizzas all around.

From Ronald A. Cass:

[[ Former President Bill Clinton, never one to let truth stand in the way of a good line, has decided to reincarnate himself as our tough, anti-terror President. The man who ran away from military service and displayed striking contempt for our armed forces has now announced that he did more - and would do more - to combat Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda than anyone else. In his view, he should be recognized as the best man to fight that enemy. ]]

From Noel Sheppard (complete with a nice debunking of clinton's historical revisions):

[[ Last week, former president Bill Clinton took some time out of his busy dating schedule to have a not so friendly chat with Chris Wallace of Fox News Sunday. Given his rabidity, Mr. Clinton might consider taking a few milligrams of Valium the next time he allows himself to face “fair and balanced” questions, assuming once wasn’t enough that is.

This wasn’t Mr. Clinton’s finest hour. In fact, it could be by far the worst performance of his career, which is saying a lot given that his acting skills were typically much more apparent than his policy-making acumen when he was in office.

From Lynn Woolley (who accurately points out the obvious fact that this was just another planned "performance" by slick willie):

[[ No president in the modern age has had to face an “insurgency” of relentless criticism from not one, but two former presidents—both dedicated to undermining his policies. Bill Clinton’s appearance on Fox News yesterday is a case in point, calculated to score points through attacks on the “right-wing conspiracy” and President Bush.


Wallace really wasn’t all that tough on Clinton, who, after all, could have gone on ABC’s “This Week” and been interviewed by George Stephanopoulos who used to be a top Clinton aide. But Clinton was spoiling for a fight, and to get it, he had to go on Fox.

Now, from a CIA analyst who was personally involved in clinton's failures. (Please note that this CIA guy is no fan of George Bush, so he's definitely not a part of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy (VRWC).

[[ On Monday's "Early Show", co-host Harry Smith talked with Scheuer about the war in Iraq and the hunt for Osama bin Laden. Smith was shocked when Scheuer laid the blame at the feet of the Clinton administration, and attempted to put the focus back on failures of the Bush Administration. Smith highlighted president Clinton's defense of his administration:

"Let's talk about what President Clinton had to say on Fox yesterday. He basically laid blame at the feet of the CIA and the FBI for not being able to certify or verify that Osama bin Laden was responsible for a number of different attacks. Does that ring true to you?"

Scheuer refuted Smith’s portrayal of Clinton:

"No, sir, I don't think so. The president seems to be able, the former president seems to be able to deny facts with impugnity. Bin Laden is alive today because Mr. Clinton, Mr. Sandy Berger, and Mr. Richard Clarke refused to kill him. That's the bottom line. And every time he says what he said to Chris Wallace on Fox, he defames the CIA especially, and the men and women who risk their lives to give his administration repeated chances to kill bin Laden."

Finally, let's see what our current Secretary of State has to say (this is a MUST READ):

Condoleeza Responds

For my part, I just think it is amusing that he can display such "outrage" at Fox News and the VRWC, but I don't remember him showing any of that passion while the terrorists were attacking us all through the 90's. Can anyone recall clinton turning purple over osama?

I also don't remember him doing anything for the military- besides decimating our budget and setting our modernization back a decade.

Whatever anyone may think of President Bush, at least history will show him to have fought long and hard against terrorism. That is indisputable.

Mr. clinton, on the other hand, will always be remembered for things like Big Macs and blue dresses... oh, and also for battling against crazy "right-wingers."



Anonymous Anonymous said...

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26/9/06 12:43  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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26/9/06 12:59  
Blogger kmg said...

Aauuugghhhh!! Spam trolls!!

26/9/06 13:04  

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