Sunday, September 03, 2006

Why Abduct Us??

You know, I'm starting to understand why the left hates Mark Steyn so much... because he is DEAD ON about the issues of the day... and because he never minces words. Here's a good column on how the media- and the West in general- are seen as weaklings by the jihadis.

[[ Did you see that video of the two Fox journalists announcing they'd converted to Islam? The larger problem, it seems to me, is that much of the rest of the Western media have also converted to Islam, and there seems to be no way to get them to convert back to journalism.

...what's the big deal? Wear robes, change your name to Khaled, go on camera and drop Allah's name hither and yon: If that's your ticket out, seize it. Everyone'll know it's just a sham.

But that's not how the al-Jazeera audience sees it. If you're a Muslim, the video is anything but meaningless. Not even the dumbest jihadist believes these infidels are suddenly true believers. Rather, it confirms the central truth Osama and the mullahs have been peddling -- that the West is weak, that there's nothing -- no core, no bedrock -- nothing it's not willing to trade.


It doesn't matter how "understandable" Centanni and Wiig's actions are to us, what the target audience understands is quite different: that there is nothing we're willing to die for. And, to the Islamist mind, a society with nothing to die for is already dead.

Yeah... that's a scary, but accurate, thought. Here's the whole thing:

Mark Steyn's Latest



Anonymous Anonymous said...

"..a society with nothing to die for is already dead."
How true. It's just sad. What happenned to men of character and morals?

3/9/06 16:46  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The media and the libs told them they were wrong to have morals. Remember that anything goes and its wrong to judge others.

3/9/06 17:45  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

The media and the libs told them they were wrong to have morals. Remember that anything goes and its wrong to judge others.

3/9/06 17:45


I agree!

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4/9/06 22:44  
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12/9/06 06:20  

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