Thursday, August 25, 2005

This Man Is The True Enemy

The islamo-fascists can not defeat us in battle. No way- no how. Not ever. They know that- we know that- everyone in the world knows that. Still, they realize they can win if only our media continues being a willing accomplice to the jihad.

Now, we all know that Knight Ridder is a ridiculously liberal "news" organization. Still, it is shocking to read a story like this one. For the life of me, I can't figure out why the military has given this "reporter" any time at all. He is a traitor and is clearly, obviously, and blatantly on the side of the jihadis.

Consider this nugget of an opening paragraph:

[[ Insurgents in Anbar province, the center of guerrilla resistance in Iraq, have fought the U.S. military to a stalemate. ]]

Fought us to a stalemate?? Now, what does that conjure up in your mind? Images of tough, hardened "freedom fighters" battling bravely against the occupying forces of darkness...? I'm sure that is the effect this seditionist was going for. Anytime they use words like "guerrilla" and "resistance", you know it's going to be good. It gets better:

[[ Military officials now frequently compare the fight in Anbar to the Vietnam War, saying that guerrilla fighters, who blend back into the population, are trying to break the will of the American military - rather than defeat it outright - and to erode public support for the war back home. ]]

Yeah... all of my Marine Corps buddies are talking about how this is Vietnam all over again. How we're in a "quagmire" and we have no hope of winning. It's all anyone can talk about in the chow hall. The only part this moron gets right is the fact that the terrorists are trying to erode American public support... and this useful idiot is their number one agent. Still more:

[[ Instead of referring to the enemy derisively as "terrorists" - as they used to - Marines and soldiers now give the insurgents a measure of respect by calling them "mujahedeen," an Arabic term meaning "holy warrior" that became popular during the Afghan guerrilla campaign against the Soviet Union. ]]

Yep. All the Marines are saying how much they respect these murderers who hide like cockroaches and come out only to slaughter children and women. Oh, yeah... we respect them as "warriors" because they are so gifted in the art of taking innocent lives. They are practically colleagues of ours! Oh, and remember that America is just like the Soviet Union. My blood pressure is dangerously high here... and still, he goes on:

[[ "Some of the Iraqis say they want to vote but they're worried there'll be a bomb at the polling station," Marine Capt. James Haunty, 27, of Columbus, Ohio, said recently. "It's a legitimate fear, but I always tell them, just trust me."

Less than five minutes after Haunty spoke, near the town of Hit, a roadside bomb down the street produced a loud boom followed by a funnel of black smoke.

Message: Do NOT trust those Marines. They are liars who cannot back up their promises.

The rest of this piece of filth article is more of the same- and when it starts to say something positive (or even just something TRUE), there are "howevers" and "buts" waiting in the wings.

I swear, this is one of the most insanely one-sided pieces of anti-American propaganda I have ever read. I didn't even have to work very hard to see between the lines, because this man is fairly out in the open with his slobbering love of the jihadis and his equally intense hatred of America's forces.

Here is his resume... tell me what you make of it. My favorite part is how he wrote about our "low morale" after spending lots of time on "regular trips" to Fallujah on his own. Nothing unusual there... no chance of collaberation... just a good reporter going after a story... yep.

[[ Tom Lasseter made regular trips to Fallujah in the summer and winter of 2003, interviewing tribal sheiks and residents there before the town fell to insurgents. He wrote extensively about the brewing unrest in the region, and the misunderstandings and conflicts between residents and the U.S. military units stationed there. During that period he was able to walk freely throughout the town with a translator.

He was last in Fallujah without military escort in early 2004 when insurgents overran the downtown police station. After men repeatedly pointed AK-47s at his chest and face and threatened to shoot him, he decided not to return except with American troops. Insurgents took over the town that April.

He reported on troops in Ramadi last summer, and wrote about the scaling back of patrols there and low morale among troops. He returned to Anbar province in November, when U.S. troops retook Fallujah in the worst urban combat since Vietnam. For this series of stories, Lasseter spent three weeks in the province this month embedded with Marine and Army units in Haqlaniya, Haditha, Hit, Ramadi and Fallujah
. ]]

Here's the link... hope you haven't eaten recently. (LINK to trash)

I honestly wish I cold meet this "reporter" in person someday... just to look into his soulless eyes and ask him how he can sleep at night.

I am sickened by this more than I can possibly express in words.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

It only passes for that with the libs. For me it passes for crap.

25/8/05 18:42  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This guy reminds me of Peter Arnette during the Gulf War. I wonder if he's married to an Iraqi or a Muslim. I remember the collaborationist Arnette was married to a N. Vietnamese woman.

These kind of liberals seem to me to be suffering a widespread, cultural version of the Stockholm Syndrome. In fact, I am slowly gathering data to write an article about it.

Pomoze Bog.
Tsar Lazar

25/8/05 19:31  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool site. I'm glad Charles linked to you.

Why do any of us act surprised when these fools show their bias? We all know they hate America and want us to lose this war. No surprise here.

25/8/05 20:24  
Blogger kmg said...

It really offends and angers me... even though I know it shouldn't- it really, really does. When an American acts this way... it is so very obscene and offensive.

Makes me want to do... things...

25/8/05 21:12  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your right. No surprise here- they all act like the terrorists are f'ing heroes.

I hate them.

25/8/05 21:44  
Blogger Don Miguel said...

When my son was in Ramadi he said he avoided journalists like the plague! Obviously, he met guys just like Tom Lasseter. He also seems to be in love with the term "guerrilla fighters" -- a term I have never heard used by anyone in the military in Iraq.

BTW, Mr. Lasseter, when the soldiers and Marines call the head-choppers the "Muj," it is not a term of respect.

25/8/05 22:56  
Blogger kmg said...


That was awesome! Thanks for the well-put comments. Before I got to the end, I was thinking of how your description of "old school" journalists (1930's) reminded me of the blogging phenomenon of today. "Good snoops" and "reasonably good writers"...

That was great!

26/8/05 08:54  
Blogger kmg said...

Brevity is not all it's cracked up to be... just look at my post on soul selling...

We're kindred spirits there...

26/8/05 09:56  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't worry people, thier bias is driving everyone away. People stupid enough to buy their lies deserve them.

26/8/05 11:17  

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