Wednesday, September 14, 2005

The Greatest Disaster Ever?

That phrase gets bandies about on a regular basis... and it always makes me wonder if people even bother to look at history books anymore. If you ever catch yourself thinking that something is the (insert any adjective here)'est thing ever- you are probably in for a surprise.

Here is only one example of a tragedy that could also have been called the "greatest ever"...

[[ In minutes, the powerful rush flattened homes, uprooted trees and moved buildings hundreds of feet. It left behind 2,209 people dead _ including 99 entire families _ and 1,600 homes destroyed.

More than 116 years before Hurricane Katrina destroyed New Orleans, a flood in Johnstown exposed the rift between rich and poor, the kindness of strangers and, in the end, the power of the human spirit to rebuild. ]] (LINK to story)

Perspective is a lost art.


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