Saturday, September 03, 2005

Washington Post? No Bias There

Finally, the old media begins to tell stories of the war and the little people in Iraq! Oh, wait... it's the Washington Post...

Here's the story of a normal, typical family in Iraq... and their burning hatred for America. The Post is starting this series, designed to give us a real look at how evil we are.

This is so disgustingly biased, that I don't even know where to begin.

[[ "If a foreigner wants to enter Baghdad in peace, we will welcome him like a brother," she said. "If a foreigner wants to enter as an enemy, every family will go out and confront them, even with stones. If they don't throw rocks, then they'll throw dirt." ]]

The only problem with this, of course, is that "every family" was not and is not attacking/confronting our troops with stones and dirt... they were WELCOMING them!

These idiot reporters know that the terrorists, or "insurgents" are the ones causing the trouble... and that regular Iraqis just want to be left in peace. Still, they try to blame and villify our military.

[[ "Why?" Amal wrote, her questions listed in rapid fire. "What's the fault of those soldiers who were killed? What's the fault of the families of the dead, or their mothers, who must be crying over their sons? Why is this war happening?" ]]

(LINK to story)

Yeah... it's that good. Please remember your in-flight barf bag when you read it all. Oh, and this is only the first part. Next up is "Life Under Occupation."

Good Lord, help us...



Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are the worst of the worst. I wouldn't use that rag to line my hamster cage!

3/9/05 21:10  

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