Monday, October 31, 2005

$addam's Enabler$

Here's a great article in the Washington Times about the oil-for-food scandal. I'll excerpt the first and last paragraphs because they make the golden point. Do read it all, though... and then scratch your head and wonder what is wrong with this world.

[[ Critics of President Bush make the specious assertion that he went to war two years ago not because Saddam Hussein was a mass murderer and an international menace but because the administration was beholden to firms like Halliburton. These same critics -- who are so eager to libel Mr. Bush -- are understandably reluctant to talk about a genuine multibillion-dollar scandal regarding the war: the oil-for-food scandal, presided over by the United Nations.

 The bottom line in Mr. Volcker's report is that Saddam Hussein succeeded in using the oil-for-food program to make it lucrative for some to do the bidding of the Ba'athists. The report demonstrates that by 2003 the integrity of the Security Council had been so compromised that it would never have given serious consideration to using force against Iraq. That's a painful reality that the most strident critics of Mr. Bush still don't want to confront.

You Want A Scandal? Try This.



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