Saturday, October 08, 2005

Ahnold Again Steps Up

Even though the moonbat who keeps trying this crap has vowed to keep at it, the Govinator held his ground.

Illegal Immigrant Driver License Bill Vetoed

Although this artice is written with a VERY pronounced liberal slant, you can still see the insanity of the left. And this democrat legislator is certifiable...

[[ Sen. Gil Cedillo, D-Los Angeles, who has turned passage of a license measure into a crusade, insisted he would not surrender.

"I am neither discouraged nor deterred," he said, promising to return with a new version next year. ]]

They are completely unhinged on this one. Conservative estimates say that well over 70% of Californians and Americans oppose giving illegals drivers licenses. That is common sense.

The people have spoken... the Governor has listened to them, and to common sense... so what's poor old Gil going to do now? Well, silly... he will do what all moonbats do when they don't get their way- he'll take it to the activist courts!

[[ Cedillo said he may open another front, this one in court.

"We will do everything and anything we can to keep this bill alive," he vowed. ]]

A liberal going to the courts to get their way?? I am shocked at that! Shocked, I tell you!!


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