Thursday, October 06, 2005

Miss Havisham Lives On In Moonbats

We have all experienced this one: the moonbat who refuses to accept reality. Oh, wait... that's pretty much all of them. But what about the ones who still have "kerry/edwards 2004" stickers on their cars? Or, as in the case of one moonbat we know out here, "gore/Leiberman 2000" stickers on their cars and also written on their shoes??

It is very telling that these people simply cannot accept the fact that they lost. In the true spirit of spoiled children, they are basically plugging their ears and chanting about how they can't hear us. Safe in their mental quiet rooms, they refuse to accept the ugly truth of reality. They don't have to... because someday slick willie will come back to save them- although possibly in the guise of his hausfrau next time.

Anyway, here's a great piece by Robert M. Knight. In it, he paints a brilliant comparison to the liberals of today and a familiar character from literature.

Hey Democrats, Election's Over


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