Thursday, October 06, 2005

Cultural Insanity

We have gone way over the top in "celebrating" other cultures here in America. I can tell you that, here in California, Cinco de Mayo is HUGE. Bigger, ironically, than the actual Mexican independence day- September 16th, which often passes fairly quietly.

Let's say you're in charge of a school in suburban Illinois where the influx of Mexican immigrants has exploded and the student population is tilting toward fifty percent Mexican, with ten percent or better not speaking English. It is so bad, in fact, that on one Mexican celebration day, the American flag was taken down at the school and replaced by the Mexican flag.

What should you do? A) Embrace the Mexican culture to the exclusion of others and make sure that non-English speakers are not forced to do anything rash, like learning English. Oh, and get rid of that pesky American flag, once and for all. B) Remind them all that this is America and we will honor all cultures, but only a little bit because, again, this is AMERICA. Oh, and also remind them that if they touch our flag again, there will be hell to pay.

HA!! That was a test to see which of you were the racists! If you said "B", then we're keeping an eye on you!

Seriously, though, read the tale of what happens when an American student (in America) decides to act like he is in America, instead of Mexico. This school seems to have become a de facto outpost of the Mexican embassy.

Student Rebuked For Sitting During Mexican Anthem

You know, I completely understand respecting other cultures, but the bottom line is if you don't want to stand for another nation's anthem, then you do not have to. Period. Period. Period.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every piece of school info. that comes home with my 6 y/o son is in English AND Spanish.

I often wonder how much longer the English part will be on them.

8/10/05 17:29  

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