Tuesday, October 04, 2005

A Call For Calm

John Tabin at the American Spectator tries to take a rational look at the President's high court nominee.

I've refrained from commenting, mainly because my optimistic nature leads me to take a hopeful attitude. Although, I must admit that I am very upset that the President would put us through this, even if this woman is what he says she is. I believe that his supporters deserved better. Having said that, I am cautiously optimistic that Ms. Miers will be a good Conservative justice.

[[ Let us take a deep breath, and assess Supreme Court nominee Harriet Miers.

What do we know about what kind of justice Harriet Miers will make, if confirmed? Not much, though what we do know is somewhat encouraging.

We know that she's made reference, in a 1992 article for Texas Lawyer to "the right to bear arms" on a list of "precious liberties." "As far as I know," writes Second Amendment scholar Dave Kopel, "you have to go back to Louis Brandeis to find a Supreme Court nominee whose pre-nomination writing extolled the right of armed self-defense."

Miers, Calmly

Then we have Joseph Curl at the Washington Times adding his two cents. His article is chok-full of friends and acquaintences of Ms. Miers telling us that she is, indeed, a staunch Conservative.

[[ Harriet Miers' lack of a judicial paper trail yesterday prompted anxious Republicans to express doubts about the Supreme Court nominee, but her supporters say the born-again Christian has a purebred conservative pedigree.

    "Those of us who know her know that she's a conservative," said Texas Supreme Court Justice Nathan Hecht.

    "She has supported a lot of conservative candidates here in Texas. She works for a conservative president. She attends an evangelical church, and has for 25 years, and she was a conservative leader in the American Bar Association," Justice Hecht, who has known Miss Miers for 30 years, told The Washington Times.

Miers' Backers Calm Doubters

There's that "calm" word again.



Blogger kmg said...

I agree that she is likely to be pretty Conservative, if she's been the President's "close friend" for ten years. That really is not the point, though...

Although I would like to agree with Husker and say that this is another brilliant Rovian plan... I have to admit that I don't understand the wisdom of pissing off virtually your entire base just to get a nominee approved... when you could have almost any nominee approved because you CONTROL THE SENATE!!

oops... there I go not being calm again.

Anyway, I am an optimist and so I shall act like one. Yay team. Go Miers. OOO-Rah, Mr. President.

(Was that convincing?)

5/10/05 05:58  

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