Sunday, October 02, 2005

Even Some Lefties Can See It

At the risk of making this an all moonbat psychology web site, here is more on the "peace" protesters and their patron saint, mother moonbat. This piece, from an anti-war left winger, discusses how the diverse nutjobs have slimed their way into "mainstream" left wing causes.

Even though he thinks that cindy sheehan was apolitical before her son died, this guy is at least paying attention to some of the action.

[[ Cindy Sheehan seemed not to have any politics for the longest time. She met with the president after her son's death and praised his warmth. Then the change occurred.

Suddenly the Bush regime was conducting "an evil war," the U.S. government was "a morally repugnant system" and "the biggest terrorist is George W. Bush." She compared Lynne Stewart, a lawyer convicted of providing material support to terrorism, with the greatest of civil rights campaigners.

She made numerous inflated statements, demanded Bush meet with her again and marched with Marxist revolutionaries who are far more concerned with the violent overthrow of democracy than with the well-being of the Iraqi people. ]]

Then, after reminding us that he opposes the war, the writer hits mother moonbat with some very pertinent questions.

[[ I would, however, respectfully advise Cindy Sheehan to ask her comrades certain questions:

Why did they not march against Saddam Hussein when he was murdering hundreds of thousands of people?

Why are they so angry with their own government but so quiet about the routine torture and incarceration of political and religious dissidents in, for example, Cuba?

Why are they not demanding an end to the murderous regimes of Syria and Iran? Why are they so selective in condemning flawed democracies but ignoring or even supporting brutal dictatorships?

The answers will tell us if they are enlightened opponents of an unjust war or hateful extremists with a poisonous agenda.

Demand answers, Cindy, for your sake and for the sake of your son. ]] (LINK to article)

Nice. If more people on the left side of life start waking up and asking similar questions, we might actually start recovering from this vitriolic divide we are currently in.

I know, I know... probably not. But, hey, a guy can dream, right?



Blogger kmg said...

I totally agree with you about this guy, Tsar. The whole point of it was that even idiots like this can see how crazy some of the other idiots are.

I don't know... I guess I look for silver linings wherever I can find them.

2/10/05 14:05  
Blogger kmg said...

SAJ, their insanity knows no bounds... it is legendary and complete.

2/10/05 14:58  

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