Friday, September 30, 2005

"White Guilt...?"

Here's an excellent article on the path our country has taken in regards to racism and "racial guilt." It is long, but very thought provoking.

As the whole thing is very good, it is difficult to excerpt... but here is one compelling part.

[[ Having embarked on an unprecedented attempt to raise the condition of blacks, white liberal America suddenly found itself faced with two horrifying realizations it had not contemplated before: that black poverty as a whole could not be cured by government efforts, and that, given the depth of black racial hostility as shown in the riots, racial integration along liberal, "I have a dream," lines was impossible.

Shocked to its core, white America lost its nerve. White America could not blame black poverty on the black community's own failures, since that would imply that whites were not responsible for blacks' problems. Nor could white America attribute black racial animus (as Thomas Jefferson had famously done in his Notes on the State of Virginia) to the co-existence of two such different races under the same government. To adopt either explanation would be to blame the very race whom whites now viewed as their own historic victims. For whites, the only psychologically acceptable response to the revelation of persistent black functional inadequacies and black racial anger was to place the onus for these problems on themselves.

Whites' belief in white America's inherent badness, their compulsion to abase themselves before "oppressed" and "disadvantaged" minorities of all kinds, became an organizing principle of American politics—a principle that was soon extended to every conceivable "victim" group. Hispanics, Asians, American Indians, women, homosexuals, the physically and mentally handicapped, the elderly, juveniles—all now became recipients of an ever-expanding system of official group recognition, government entitlements, and relief from normal societal standards. This relief included the license to attack whites and America for all possible social ills and even to side openly with America's enemies in time of war.

One should read it all, and reflect appropriately.

Guilty Whites


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