Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Talking About The Nutjobs

I have withheld much of the anger and acrimony I have felt these past few days. The "peace" protests have brought out in me a raging animal of vitriolic hatred towards these cowards and seditionists... but I have swallowed much of it, lest it destroy part of me. I try very hard to remember the addage "He who angers me, controls me." Yes, I know... that is a very tough one to live up to.

Anyway, I came across two separate columns that have expressed, very eloquently, how I feel about it all. In fact, these should both be required reading for all Americans right now.

The first is by Rick Moran in the American Thinker. In it, he discusses how these idiots have crossed the line from loyal opposition to something else entirely.

[[ Hence, most of the podium speakers at the rally were not there to solely promote an anti-war agenda but rather each had his or her own particular anti-American ax to grind. The racialists called for an end to racism. The tribalists called for an end to capitalism. The primitives called for an end to industrialized civilization. The greenies called for an end to everything else. Yes, they all paid lip service to the anti-war message that brought them together in the first place. But their real reason for bringing their followers to Washington was to garner support from the hard-left moneymen like George Soros and leftist PR gurus like David Fenton, who is currently managing Cindy Sheehan’s race toward obscurity. A few dollars here and there gleaned from the Smart Set in Washington will at least keep the mimeograph machines going and pay the rent for a few more months.

Not surprisingly, there was very little talk of loyalty. When “patriotism” was brought up, we were continually assured that yes, these were indeed patriotic Americans who only wanted to exercise their right to dissent from government. Of that, I have little doubt. The question isn’t whether they are patriotic Americans, the questions is are they loyal Americans?

It is a very, very good and thoughtful column, and you should read it all.

A Word About Loyalty In Wartime

The next one is an editorial by Ralph Peters in the NY Post. It is so good that I almost don't want to excerpt it at all- thereby ensuring that you will read it all... but I just have to excerpt, because I just love some parts of it!

[[ Set aside the get-Bush-at-any-cost political hustlers, the earnest college students not yet seasoned by reality, the Jew-baiting free-Palestine detachments and the very few who have thought seriously about the war and found it lacking.

You're left with the legions of Cindy Sheehan wannabes — meandering souls who, were they only capable of honesty, would be wearing t-shirts that read, "It's not about the war, it's about me!"

A popular theme last weekend was, "War, what is it good for?" Well, the answer is that war's good for plenty of things. It freed and forged our nation. War liberated millions of black Americans from bondage. War stopped Hitler, if too late for many millions of his victims (peace at any price tends to have a very high price, indeed).

And our troops liberated 50 million human beings in Afghanistan and Iraq — who are far more grateful than the protesters or our media will accept.

In this infernally troubled world, war is sometimes the only effective response to greater evils. And there is evil on this earth. It would also be easier to sympathize with the anti-war protesters if they occasionally criticized the terrorists who bomb the innocent.

But the protesters don't really care about Iraqi suffering, or terror, or the Taliban's legacy. They're a forlorn mix of Bush-haters who reject election results that they don't like and drifting souls yearning for a cause to lend their failed lives meaning.

As for the pathetic Ms. Sheehan, since she insists on speaking in the name of our troops, let me suggest that she does not even speak for her own son, a man who joined our military of his own volition and who died for a cause far greater than any represented on the National Mall last weekend.

Quick- go read it!!


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