Sunday, October 02, 2005

Idiotic Idiots

As we discussed yesterday, the agendas represented by the left wing protesters are as diverse as they are deranged. The dregs, perverts, and loose screws of society have found empowerment in today's media culture. What master do they serve? What brings them all together in one big, dysfunctionally unhinged tent?

Easy. The exact opposite of whatever the "Conservative establishment" is.

Here's a nice and short, but to the point column by Salim Mansur that calls them what they are. He reminds us of the dangers of these seemingly harmless fools, and compares their actions with their counterparts in history.

[[ In the excuse of opposing war, these useful idiots defend mass murderers, trade in conspiracy theories and spurn democratic societies by being obsequious to despots. ]]

More "Useful Idiots"

Yep... you should definitely take a minute and read it.


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