Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Hola, Senor...

...welcome to the United States of America. Please conform to our local rules, like forcing small, English speaking children to learn Spanish.

[[ All Florida students in kindergarten through second grade would get mandatory Spanish lessons starting in 2007 under a new bill filed by state Sen. Les Miller, D-Tampa. ]]

Liberal Agenda Using Children

Yeah... I guess this one would qualify as PC run amok. I sure hope the parents in Florida slap this idiot down hard and fast.

Why can't they understand that making someone do something just because you think it's right is NOT okay? Yes, Senator Miller, it would be great if the whole world could hold hands and sing together in one language... but this is AMERICA... and we speak ENGLISH here!!

How about a bill that mandates that all IMMIGRANTS learn ENGLISH????

Sorry... a bit early yet for such ranting.


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