Saturday, November 05, 2005

ScAlito Looking Good

Here's one from the Washington Post- ostensibly trying to be fair and balanced.

[[ In private meetings with senators, Supreme Court nominee Samuel A. Alito Jr. has shown a willingness to discuss key issues -- a potentially risky strategy that so far seems to be serving him well, several senators said.

On contentious issues including privacy, property rights and public displays of religious beliefs, Alito has been more willing to share personal or judicial thoughts than were recently confirmed Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. and White House counsel Harriet Miers, whose nomination was withdrawn, these senators said.

Senators Praise Nominee's Candor

You know, often it is in the little things... the subtleties... where we find the ultimate truths. To wit: did we all notice how the Post thinks that Judge Alito's openness and honesty/sincerity is a "strategy"??

They honestly and truly believe this... and they operate this way themselves. Honesty is just another tool to use on the road to achieving an agenda.



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