Sunday, December 04, 2005

Mutually Exclusive Terms

"Sincere" and "democrat/liberal politician." Those do not go together at all.

Anyway, here's a great article at the American Thinker on the insincerity of the dems... but also on how the President must, as we discussed yesterday, continue to press the surrender monkeys with statements of fact and truth.

[[ The President’s speech at the United States Naval Academy this week was powerful. It said most of the things that need saying about our war in Iraq and it left the Democrats backpedaling as they gasped for breath. At the heart of the President’s argument, however, was a contradiction which undercuts his case for the war in Iraq.

The President castigated those who demand an “artificial timetable” for an American withdrawal, but only after making this remarkable disclaimer:

“Many advocating an artificial timetable for withdrawing our troops are sincere, but I believe they’re sincerely wrong.”

How is it possible that purportedly patriotic American public officials can be sincere when they conspire to cut and run from our deadly enemies, to portray America as a weak and unreliable ally and to invite new attacks on our homeland?

As it happens, the Democrats aren’t sincere. They aren’t anywhere in the vicinity of sincerity. When they call for withdrawal from Iraq, as Nancy Pelosi did again in a response to the President’s speech, they are damaging their country. As the President pointed out, this is obvious. No Democrat has even tried to argue that scheduling a withdrawal would not have the consequences the President outlined. We must conclude that the Democrats know they are working counter to America’s interests at the same time they present themselves as patriotic public servants. This is the antithesis of sincerity. ]]


I just love the wrap up... it speaks what my soul crys out.

[[ Make them pay through the nose for their defeatism, Mr. President. Remember Al Gore sweating and frothing and the mouth as he bellowed that you “betrayed this country.” Throw it back at them with interest.

Attack until they stop twitching and then attack some more. If this seems unpresidential, the Vice President can do it. But one way or another, it’s past time for a serious offensive on the home front.

Fortune favors the bold. ]]

Hell, yes, it does!

Hit 'Em Again, Harder



Blogger kmg said...

I assume you're asking me that.

I served from 1981 to 2001.

5/12/05 05:26  

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