Friday, March 31, 2006

Religion O' Peace??

Not so much, I think...

Hmmm... That Doesn't Sound So Peaceful... What Gives?

(It really hurts when they convict you with your own words...)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pomoze Bog.

"Psychologists might call this cognitive dissonance — a state of mind where rational people essentially lie to themselves. But in this case, it's understandable. In our politically correct culture, criticizing any religion, even one that plots our destruction, is still taboo. And no one wants to suggest the terrorists are driven by their holy text."

Why does this surprise the author? Most Americans are egregiously ignorant of ANY religious faith, much less one as "foreign" as Islam. Even when colleges attempt to introduce Western kids to its basic teachings, they almost always use excerpted texts that cut out the uncomfortable parts---such as Muhammed's child molestation and his injunction to rape and/or behead non-believers. Such passages are always edited out of the Intro. to Religion textbooks, leaving the kids to see that Islam is indeed a "religion of peace."
And of course, when the President made his erroneous claim after 9/11, it gave the stamp of legitimacy to the whole idea (one of Bush's major mistakes, I will always feel).

So, this writer---were he not blinded by his own media-centered ignorance---should not be amazed that Islam is not what it tries to present itself as being. If he had read the Koran, he would know more about what he speaks.

Tsar, out.

4/4/06 15:04  

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