Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Tackling A Conundrum

Okay, surely we have all wondered about this one... why are so many Jewish Americans liberal? Yesterday's post about Joe Leiberman got me looking at this question... and it is a real head-scratcher.

It just doesn't make sense- the very nature of liberalism is antithetical to the things most ANY religious person believes. Then there is the nagging fact that the deranged lefties in America routinely support and defend the palestinian murderers who slaughter Jews. It always strikes me as supremely ironic (okay, that's a euphemism for something else) when I see Jewish people supporting liberal idiots who support islamo-fascists.

Anyway, Dennis Prager tries to answer the question of why Jews would be liberal... and does a pretty good job of it.

His reason number five resonates as especially telling. In explaining that Jewish liberals use politics as a kind of religion, Prager notes:

[[ "The big difference, however, is that the Christian believer acknowledges his Christianity is a belief, whereas the believer in liberalism views his belief as entirely the product of rational inquiry." ]]

This is sooooooo true of ALL liberals. When you look at it, you can plainly see that their politics ARE their religion (and, as Rush Limbaugh rightly said, abortion is their sacrament).

Why Are Jews Liberal?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was that a good wow or a bad wow?
I'll give a good wow!

26/4/06 18:25  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pomoze Bog.

I think it's something in the matzoh.

Tsar, out.

26/4/06 21:40  

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