Monday, May 01, 2006

Hypocrisy Of The Highest Order

Hmmmm... how can this be? They seem to want America to do something quite contrary to what they practice in their own country.

That's odd, don't you think?

Mexico's Immigration Policies Don't Seem Very Friendly

(Hat tip to the ever-vigilant TJ.)



Blogger Barbara said...

These people are over here because they know they can get away with their actions in our country. They would be in jail, if they were home!

If it was made a law to punish ANYONE who hired a legal, rented them a place to stay, or did any business with them at all, then, they'd go home or starve! But, it's not going to happen, and it's making the ones who got here legally, and those legals trying to get citizenship MAD!

1/5/06 15:53  

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