Thursday, June 29, 2006

Lynch Those Marines!!

Here is a very powerful piece from Ralph Peters. It begins:

[[ Let's just hang those Marines accused in the Haditha incident. Get it over with. They don't need a court martial. They're guilty. The media already decided the case.

A few other Marines and soldiers are also accused of murder in Iraq. Save our tax dollars. Just hang them, too.

Forget the stresses of combat. Forget that war really is hell. Whatever you do, don't mention the atrocities committed by the terrorists or insurgents.

Those two young American soldiers tortured to death a few weeks ago? Bury that story fast. The terrorists are the good guys. We're the only torturers.

Don't close Guantanamo. Put our troops in the cells. There's no surer way to quell the media's outrage over Gitmo than freeing the terrorists held there and filling it with our soldiers. Don't worry about individual charges. Collective guilt applies.

Ignore history. Let's pretend that warfare can be waged with absolute sterility, without so much as giving the enemy a broken fingernail. War isn't about fighting. It's about making people happy.

Civilian casualties? The thousands of Iraqis slain by terrorists were legitimate targets. Iraqi civilians are only innocent victims when Americans kill them.

It strikes me- and chills me to the bone- how much the DFL actually thinks like that. Their capacity for "blame America first" knows no bounds.

Anyway, this man speaks Gospel. Please read the whole column- you'll be glad you did.

Lynching The Marines

--Hat tip to Ryan the Watchdog (WatchDevildog, that is!)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you can read this in English thank a Marine!!!!

7/7/06 13:48  

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