Wednesday, September 27, 2006

They Are Winning

It is a certainty that we are losing the cultural war with the islamofascists.

Our own champions of free speech, the great American liberals, have completely given in to "muslim sensitivities."

We tiptoe around everything so as not to offend or upset these maniacs. If someone says or does something that could be construed as "insensitive" or "offensive" to muslims, they are verbally flogged by all the good liberals (and, of course, threatened by all the good muslims). The islamofascists are nothing but schoolyard bullies with guns and bombs. They want nothing to do with "discussions" and "negotiations."

For decades now, liberals have mocked, bashed, assaulted, ridiculed, and offended Christians. They have done this with complete impunity. The aclu and other liberal groups have systematically attacked virtually every tenant of Christianity in our country. If any Christian attempts to stand up for our faith, the liberals shout "separation of church and state!" as loudly as they can... and, most of the time, we back down (for some reason that is alien to me).

Want an example? Here's a nice contrast of liberal reactions to the dreaded cartoons of blasphemy vs. the "piss Christ" and "elephant dung Virgin Mary."

No one- and I mean NO ONE- is allowed to make fun of muslims in any way, shape, or form.

Not car dealers...

Not play directors...

No one.

It remains, however, open season on Christians.

Could this be due to the fact that Christians do not threaten and then follow-through with violence and destruction at every offense?

Ummmm... yes. Yes, that is the one and only reason. In the end, the great liberal "free speechers" are nothing but hollow, yellow, stinking cowards without the courage of their "convictions." Meanwhile, our military is fighting and dying to protect those convictions for them-- even as the cowards work tirelessely to undermine that very mission.

I should stop now... I'm working myself into a frenzy, and I might start offending muslims and liberals if I don't quit. ...what's that? It's too late??






Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't ever stop "offending" islamofascists or the loony, kool-aid drinking left! "Don't give up the ship!", as it were. Sometimes the truth hurts, and these nut-jobs need to get over it, and move on, OR - the most "drastic" possibility of all - change their thought patterns and get grounded in REALITY! The latter would be the most difficult, but nothing truly worthwhile is ever easy...

27/9/06 12:33  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boy, is that the truth!!!

28/9/06 07:17  

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