Wednesday, October 18, 2006

How Do You Fight A Well-Armed, Determined Enemy?

Well, if you're a liberal, you do it with District Attorneys and warrants and affidavits.

If you're not insane, you do it with overwhelming force. Consider this problem:

[[ The U.S. Border Patrol and other law enforcement agencies at the U.S.-Mexico border are outgunned by increasingly ruthless and well-armed Mexican drug cartels, a new congressional report concludes.

"The cartels use automatic assault weapons, bazookas, grenade launchers and improvised explosive devices," the House Homeland Security oversight subcommittee report said. "In contrast, U.S. Border Patrol agents are issued 40-caliber Beretta semiautomatic pistols."

Drug Cartels Outgunning Border Patrol, Others

Don't get me wrong, the .40 cal is a great round. I use one myself at work. Decent stopping power and all that. Not quite up to battling AK-47's and grenade launchers, though.

No, for this problem, we need a better answer. Like... this, maybe:

A Better Answer

Wouldn't take very long, either. They could use it as a warm-up for deployment to the sand box.



Blogger warhorse said...

Well, that would certainly teach the bad guys some manners ... :-) ... but don't you have some kind of law saying that you can't use the troops that way except in emergencies or something? I seem to recall reading that somewhere a little while back ...

18/10/06 14:44  
Blogger kmg said...

If highly armed gangs threatening our own law enforcement officials does not constitute an emergency... I just don't know what would.

How can we not consider them foreign invaders?

19/10/06 05:02  
Blogger warhorse said...

"If highly armed gangs threatening our own law enforcement officials does not constitute an emergency... I just don't know what would."

I agree that it would constitute an emergency. What concerns me is that there's just so much money in the drug trade that the problem is unlikely to go away no matter how many bad guys the Marines kill. This may be one of those rare cases where the whole "address the root causes" blather that the Lefties are so fond of may actually have a degree of applicability.

"How can we not consider them foreign invaders?"

Heh ... *you* can't, and *I* wouldn't in your shoes, but don't worry, I'm sure they'll find plenty of friends in Congress to argue that these innocent businessmen were merely defending themselves against the brutality of your thuggish border pigs ... :-(

19/10/06 15:18  
Blogger kmg said...

True... and I agree that attacking the "root cause" is very important. Putting out the fire that is burning at the border is important, too, though.

20/10/06 06:15  

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