But John Edwards is even more of a goober than John Kerry!!

Former North Carolina senator and vice presidential candidate John Edwards on Thursday announced his bid for the presidency in the 2008 election, calling on Americans who want a change in direction to support his candidacy.
"If we want to change this country, if we want to move America the way it needs to move, we're going to have to do it," Edwards told reporters gathered in a Hurricane Katrina victim's backyard in New Orleans' 9th Ward, where he staged the kickoff for his campaign.
"We want people in this campaign to actually take action now, not later, not after the next election," Edwards said. "Instead of staying home and complaining, we're asking Americans to help. .... Most of the good that has been done in New Orleans has been done by faith-based groups, charitable groups and volunteers."
Clad in blue jeans and an open-necked shirt with his sleeves rolled up, Edwards said his would be a grassroots campaign that would be led by the needs of the American people while also shining a light on international issues. He said Americans needs to re-establish U.S. prominence in the international arena.
ha ha ha ...read the rest at Hannity's site
I think Edwards is great but I just don't know what has changed since 2004 except that he is two years older. The more I think about the Dems in 2008, the more I think the nomination is Al Gore's to lose: he was robbed in 2000, has been consistently right on Iraq (unlike Hillary), and will not have a problem with either cash or name recognition... I wrote a story on this at www.minor-ripper.blogspot.com
Please don't use Edwards and great in the same sentence. And while Al Gore does has some doofy followers in Europe and Canada, he has already lost enough elections and acted like a raving lunatic enough times here in America to make him a living parody of a parody. The man is an environmental nut-job, a joke, with no chance of winning any more elections here. So, I agree! He should definetely run in 2008!
no publicly viewable profile for ripper,
so who is he really?
Edwards is not great, he's a wanna be like all the rest.
al gore?
are you for real?
we would all be bowing down in the direction of mecca if he had been president on 9-11.
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