Thursday, August 25, 2005

And Now, A Little Balance

Here is a breath of very fresh air after that last crapfest of a story.

This woman GETS IT:

[[ Every time the terrorists in Iraq go head-to-head with the American military, they lose. But they understand our media's obsession with body counts, and they know their only chance for victory is to wear down our will to persevere. That's the strategy behind the steady drip-drip of roadside explosions and marketplace suicide bombings.

Our major media have a duty to give us the big picture on Iraq. This -- not the tears of Crawford -- is what we owe fallen soldiers and their courageous comrades.
]] (LINK to truth)

Please read the whole column- it is very much worthwhile.

Thank God there are people like her out there writing the truth... even if the DFL does have us outnumbered, we still have honesty on our side.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The media rarely give us the context we need to understand the fighting that produces these casualties -- the purpose and outcome of the missions the lost soldiers were engaged in"

This is all too true. By decontextualizing the casualty reports (the "Viet Nam Technique") they create a sense of purposelessness to the deaths of the soldiers involved. While this may not be deliberate on the part of reporters (who may, actually, file longer stories with more information), it is on the part of editors, who often "trim" stories to suit their agendas.

This also reveals how anti-American the MSM bias really is; to make our soldier's deaths seem absurd or futile, they are really being not only treasonous (aid and comfort to the enemy), but also disrespectful, inhumane, and just plain despicable.

Pomoze Bog.
Tsar Lazar

26/8/05 10:01  
Blogger kmg said...

They don't see it that way, Tsar... to them, we are the despicable ones. They hold barely disguised contempt for the military... and it is growing tiresome to me and to many others.

Outrage is swelling... and things are changing.

26/8/05 10:34  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"They hold barely disguised contempt for the military"

I've never understoond how ANYONE could feel that way. I don't know, maybe it was my upbringing under a Dad who was in the Strategic Air Command and never, NEVER "dissed" the military or the President. Both of my parents grew up in the Ike years, so I guess even though I was born in '66 I never acquired the "F--k the government and the military pigs" mentality. Thank God.

Pomoze Bog.
Tsar Lazar

26/8/05 13:07  

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